I have not posted in awhile, but my daughter Amy said I should do this challenge. I thought I would. I feel bad that I have neglected posting, but also that I have not made any comments to others sharing my passion for photography. Maybe this post will spark me to get back into posting,
I was meaning to post some fall shots and some cloud shots some weeks back, but time ran away from me. I think I will post some.
The Scrabble challenge is run by Ambrosia Clark (click here to see more. )
Here is my first submission for the Scrabble challenge...
Here is another one. I was really getting into the ideas of words with the subject matter.
A lot of my inspiration for blogging comes from Amy, and my interest in editing and photographing comes from many bloggers (Ashley, CoffeeShop Blog, and others)and my own fascination with taking photos and manipulating them. I use many programs on Win7 and Linux. One of my favorites is GIMP. But I found a new program that rivals LightRoom.