Welcome to the home of JeffK photography

Here you will find info on my photography...new and old. I do mostly nature and things, but also try to catch the right expression on a family member or stranger. At some point I'll be adding some scans of film slides from my high school photo lab days. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hi...I'm back. I realize I have not posted, nor have I commented on anyone's blog, and for that I apologize. I have been...well, busy and just lazy. Taking a break from the blog thing. It can be overwhelming, and time consuming. I don't know how some of you manage with all the followers and posting to so many blogs. Also, and this is the best part, Amy and I have been getting ready for the Dutchess County Fair, as we are entering some photos for the photography contest! Now, Amy and I are not professionals, but we thought, 'what the hell'. We'll give it a shot. It all started with a photo I took of a little girl from the wedding we did in New Jersey (the one where I lost all those photos when my card corrupted). In any case, my wife said "You should enter this photo at the fair". So I thought I would share a few of my shots from the last few weeks. I'll post the girl photo after the fair, which is August 24-29. So, the following are just some random shots.

1. Sunset shot in New Jersey.

2. One of the upside down topsy turvy tomato plants we have hanging in the back.

3. A macro flower shot from the pot at the mailbox by the road. I love flowers, but became overwhelmed in the spring when all I photographed was flowers! But by next spring, I'll be sick of winter and will be anxious again to plant flowers all over.

4. This little fellow was on a chair on the deck. He was actually playing hide and seek with another bird...it was so funny. I wish I had a video of it. One of the shots is blurry.

5. This is one of the photos I am entering into the fair contest. We have these rabbits all over in my neck of the woods. They are in almost every yard around here.

6. Just a shot of my road looking east. I like how the road appears wavy, like how a long straight road might look in the hot daytime sun out west.

7. Flowers at my neighbors driveway. She tries to do flowers in several spots. You should see her grass...greenest grass around (she waters it daily. We have not had a good rain here in weeks).I only water my plants with the water from my new rain barrel...I should post a photo of it.

8. This was taken earlier today as we returned from our daily walk. I had never noticed these until today. The sun was hitting them just right.

Almost done, I promise.....

9. This was an attempt to stop the flow of water thru photography. I have seen some fantastic shots of water droplets, especially at Deviant Art.

10. Recently I was sitting in my car, eating lunch, outside one of my schools, when I noticed this. Imagine how old the fence, AND tree are, wherein the tree grew into the fence. I can tell you, the school was built around 1920. Next to the school is a church, which looks just as old as the school.

And finally, I'll leave you with this... I often wonder if anyone has actually taken the advice of rule #1. (and I don't mean the machines). The sign graces the wall at the local laundromat in town. I have been at laundromat since our dryer died. But I think we are actually saving money going there...no extra electricity usage.

Oh, I'll be guest blogging at Amy's blog on Sunday, Aug 15. Amy is in Florida, baking in the HOT sun. I hope she is putting on sun block. So check out Amy's blog for my post.

I am still working on organizing my photos...in time I'll post my sky shots. Until then....Happy Trails!

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